

File: /wp-content/themes/Automotive-child/header.php


Lines 120 – 180 – Default Theme Menu Code Removal

Remove these lines. This is the code in the theme that summons the menu. We remove this as we use Hero Menu and it doesn’t display correctly using this code. The Hero Menu code snippit and placement is below.

It is recommended that you run the old header.php and current header.php through and look at the above lines to make sure they haven’t changed significantly prior to deleting.

Line 118 – Header Image (This is not something the theme natively supports as of 1/15/16 and thus why we are adding in this snippet)

Add the following Snippet. This code snippet adds the header image to the top. This snippet MUST be outside of the header tags and before the menu code snippet or else there will be a gap between the menu and header image.

<!–Header Image–>
<div id=”logo_wrapper”>
<img src=”/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/header_number.png” />
<!–End Header Image–>

Line 125 – Add Hero Menu Code

Add the below snippet. This allows Hero Menu to display across the full width of the site. The themes default menu code restricts the menu to mid page.

<!–Hero Menu Start–>
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( ‘theme_location’ => ‘header-menu’ ) ); ?>
<!–Hero Menu End–>